Roleplay sessions
Right a quick one as per usual I have been quite busy. Tuesday night roleplay. Had a really good session. The system is D&D 5th Ed and as...
A busy few days coming up
Well, a lot has been going on, MugConOne, Warhammer 40K battle, I have collected Inis from G.I. Games so I will be taking some photos of...
Character Gen went well
Well it was a good session last night. Just about got the characters generated bar weapons and armour. Couple of the guys were already...
Good news
Finally, The One Ring campaign will start with character generation tomorrow. Very much looking forward to it. Hopefully we can get it...
Favourite Local Game Shops (FLGS)
Why are they important and brilliant? Basically you have a rapport with them and they help you. Sure online you may get things a bit...
Cthulhu comes
This time I will talk about Call Of Cthulhu 7th edition published by Chaosium. I will be upfront, I am a fan of Call of Cthulhu ever...
Delays and delays
So it turns out one guys would miss it if we did char gen this weekend and another guys would miss the next two Saturdays (to be fair...
That didn't go according to plan
The day of gaming to didn't work out as planned. We started the 40k game late morning. We, the Imperials started well enough inflicting...
Earlier posts has shown I have backed a few Kickstarters. Apart from the really big RPG companies, more and more companies are using this...
A busy week but gaming is coming this weekend
Part of the preparation for The One Ring game is getting my place sorted for guests so a fair bit of re-arranging things. Still a busy...